1. Definitions
    1. “ISP” means Internet Service Provider and serves as an umbrella term for all type of services providing internet. Fibre Internet, Wireless Internet or any other method by which internet access is supplied. For the purpose of this agreement, it implies “C-WAY COMPUTERS and any of its agents”
    2. “WISP” means Wireless Internet Service Provider. For the purpose of this agreement, it implies “C-WAY COMPUTERS and any of its agents”
    3. “Agreement” means this Subscriber Agreement and this Terms and Conditions;
    4. “CPE” means Customer Premises Equipment, including the antennas and communication cards, client router, gateways and modems installed at a Subscriber’s Premises to send and / or receive a signal via a radio link and may include any other special equipment provided by the Service Provider to facilitate any future enhanced services to the Subscriber.
    5. “High Site” refers to C-WAY COMPUTERS’ mast or tower to which the customer connects.
    6. “LOS” refers to Line of Sight. Clear line of sight to our high sites is necessary to render a satisfactory service to the customer.
    7. “Installation Date” means the date on which C-WAY COMPUTERS and/or its authorised representative(s) installs the Equipment at the premises of the Subscriber
    8. “Juristic Person” means a company or close corporation and includes a body corporate, partnership, association or trust
    9. “Service” means the service provided by C-WAY COMPUTERS as detailed in the Subscriber Agreement; and
    10. “Application” means the online or any other written request for initiation/activation of a Service(s) and / or the provision of Good(s), which, when accepted by C-WAY COMPUTERS, becomes a binding Service Agreement.
    11. “Service Agreement” means these General Terms and conditions and any terms and conditions published on C-WAY COMPUTERS’ website, the Service Application, the Debit Order Instruction, the rental application (if applicable), C-WAY COMPUTERS’ quotations, C-WAY COMPUTERS’ warranty and C-WAY COMPUTERS’ Acceptable Use and Fair Use Policy, all legal policies as published on the C-WAY COMPUTERS’ website and all annexures to any of these documents.
  2. Introduction and Service Activation
    1. The Subscriber agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions contained herein.
    2. This Agreement will commence on the Date of Signature by the Applicant and will continue for an uninterrupted period as selected by the Subscriber when completing the Application form attached or using the On-line application.
    3. Should the customer wish to cancel this agreement after the initial application was done and submitted, the normal cancellation procedure has to be followed and the customer will be liable for any cancellation fees applicable to the specific service of choice. This includes the FTTH and FTTB Clawback fees. Refer to 10) of this agreement.
  3. Applications and Initiation
    1. C-WAY COMPUTERS will provide the Goods and Services to the Customer as described in an Application or Service Order in terms of the signed Agreement.
    2. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to refuse to commence provision of Services based on the Customer’s prior conduct.
    3. The Customer consents to C-WAY COMPUTERS carrying out a credit check on the Customer at any applicable credit bureau and may make the provision of the Goods or Services dependent on its satisfaction with the results.
    4. If the Customer is a juristic person, C-WAY COMPUTERS may require one or more of its officers to stand surety for the Customer’s obligations under this Agreement. Even if the Agreement has commenced, C-WAY COMPUTERS may withhold to provide the Services until the surety has been signed.
    5. Depending upon the Service provided, C-WAY COMPUTERS may be obliged under RICA to obtain certain information and documents from the Customer, and C-WAY COMPUTERS may withhold or suspend providing Services until the Customer has provided the necessary information and/or documents to C-WAY COMPUTERS.
    6. With the prior written permission of C-WAY COMPUTERS which can be withheld at any time and for any reason, the Customer may be entitled to migrate or convert to any other service offered by C-WAY COMPUTERS from time to time provided that –
      1. any charge levied by C-WAY COMPUTERS in respect thereof has been paid; and
      2. all relevant documents required by C-WAY COMPUTERS have been signed by you indicating acceptance of any terms and conditions applicable thereto.
    7. If the Customer has not complied with a requirement set out in clause 3, C-WAY COMPUTERS may delay providing the Goods or Services until the Customer has complied. If the Customer does not comply within a reasonable period, C-WAY COMPUTERS may terminate the Agreement and will not be liable for any damage that the Customer may suffer as a result.
    8. Customers and potential Customers must familiarise themselves with the content of these documents, which are incorporated by reference into these Terms and Conditions.
    9. A non-refundable processing fee of R250 will be charged on all new application.
  4. Customer’s Obligations
    1. The Customer confirms that all statements made to C-WAY COMPUTERS are true and correct. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to request proof of any facts or claims. The Customer also commits to providing C-WAY COMPUTERS with necessary information required in the provision of the selected Services, and (where applicable) consent to the use or sharing of this information with 3rd parties to comply with regulatory conditions (such as Domain Registration Listings) within the guidelines of applicable privacy legislation.
    2. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to request verification of the identity of the Primary Account Holder. Failure to produce such verification could result in summary suspension or cancellation of the product(s) and Services.
    3. The Customer (or the Customer's agent) certifies that the Customer is above the age of 18 years, has full contractual capacity and, in the case of an agent, is duly authorised by the Customer to contract on the Customer's behalf.
    4. C-WAY COMPUTERS’ website and attached systems, are designed to facilitate reasonable use of C-WAY COMPUTERS products and Services. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to suspend or terminate users who are improperly using features of the systems to avoid billing, shaping, suspension or any other system controls, or exploit bugs or limitations in the system design to effect avoidance of system controls or commit crimes. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to deem such an activity as "unreasonable exploitation of the system” and will take appropriate action based on the circumstances and severity of the incident(s).
    5. If the Customer engages in behaviour that is to be considered offensive to C-WAY COMPUTERS or its staff, C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Customer's Services, irrespective of the form and medium of this abuse. See Section 6 below.
    6. In the event that any of the terms of this document are found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, such terms will be severable from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable.
  5. Supply use and installation of CPE/Rental Option and related Services
    1. The Subscriber shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and authorisations from any competent authority or body and required for the purpose of any such supply and/or delivery and/or installation and the Subscriber hereby indemnifies C-WAY COMPUTERS against any claim or liability suffered by C-WAY COMPUTERS by reason of such approval and authorisation not having been obtained.
    2. 2. By taking any Rental or Free to Use options, it is understood that all equipment, CPE, Cabling, and/or router, remains the property of C-WAY COMPUTERS as set out in this agreement. The return of rental or free to use equipment for Fibre Internet services e.g., routers, will be for the subscriber’s account and need to reach C-Way within 15 days from cancellation date. See 9.1.g for details.
    3. If any Rental or Free to Use equipment has been lost, stolen or damaged other than natural disasters, the Subscriber shall immediately notify C-WAY COMPUTERS in writing and until such notification, the Subscriber shall remain liable for all costs and charges pertaining to such equipment. C-WAY COMPUTERS shall as soon as reasonably possible replace the equipment. The cost of this replacement equipment shall be for the Subscriber's account. All risk of loss, theft, destruction or damage to C-Way equipment as a result of the Subscriber’s negligence or while the equipment is installed at the Subscriber premises, shall vest in the Subscriber
    4. Any of the stipulations as in Clause 5.3 shall in no way be deemed to constitute a termination of this Agreement which shall continue to be of full force and effect until cancellation and completion of the notification period as set out in this agreement. The Subscriber hereby warrants and undertakes in favour of C-WAY COMPUTERS that the Subscriber:
      1. Shall not use nor allow the Services and Products to be used for any improper, immoral or unlawful purpose, nor in any way which may cause injury or damage to persons or property or an impairment or interruption to the Services.
      2. Shall only use the Rental or Free to use equipment provided by C-WAY COMPUTERS and comply with relevant legislation and regulations imposed by a competent authority and all directives issued by C-WAY COMPUTERS relating to the use of the mentioned equipment and the provision of Services.
      3. Recognises that no right, title or interest in the software contained in the C-Way used equipment issued to the Subscriber vests in the Subscriber.
    5. Shall not, nor permit any third party to reverse engineer, decompile, modify or tamper with the software or hardware that are contained in or pertaining to any C-Way Rented or free to use equipment.
      All C-Way equipment must be used in accordance with C-WAY COMPUTERS or the manufacturer's instructions, as the case may be. Other services or equipment provided to the Subscriber by a third party are subject to the third party's terms and conditions.
    6. C-WAY COMPUTERS shall, for the duration of the agreement and at its sole discretion, upgrade and/or replace Rented or Free to Use equipment installed at the Subscriber’s premises from time to time.
    7. Rental or Free to use equipment cannot be purchased. Should you wish to buy the equipment, even immediately after a rental agreement was signed, the full package price will apply. Paying in the difference between the Rental installation fee and the full package is not possible due to warrantee restriction we provide on new equipment.
    8. Should payment not be made in terms of this agreement, the rental or free to use equipment will be removed from the premises within a month from initial suspension as this constitute breach of contract by the subscriber. The subscriber will still be liable for all outstanding fees after equipment has been removed
  6. Conduct and C-WAY COMPUTERS Brand
    1. Customers will be held accountable for their conduct towards C-WAY COMPUTERS staff and in the public domain with regard to allegations or malicious conduct directed towards C-WAY COMPUTERS or its staff.
    2. Abusive behaviour, including (but not limited to) aggression, offensive language (cursing) or conduct, including threats or any type of intimidation on a forum or directed at C-WAY COMPUTERS or its staff will be deemed abusive and will not be tolerated. Such conduct may constitute an acceptable use and fair policy violation and C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to suspend or terminate Services to a Customer in such cases.
    3. Customers using public platforms to spread false allegations, unreasonably or maliciously diminish the reputation or the public perception of C-WAY COMPUTERS brand, may have their Services suspended or terminated, depending the severity and circumstances of the incident(s), and may also be regarded as contrary to our acceptable and fair usage policy as well as a contravention of this Terms and Conditions of Service.
  7. Availability of Services
    1. C-WAY COMPUTERS cannot guarantee the provision of the requested Service upon the receipt of an Application.
    2. Provision of the Service is subject to C-WAY COMPUTERS confirming that it is technically feasible to do so.
    3. Potential customers should confirm the availability of LOS (Line of Sight) or Fibre availability for their particular location prior to purchasing or ordering any Internet service or hardware from C-WAY COMPUTERS. C-WAY COMPUTERS makes no warranty as to the LOS without a physical site visit by a Company representative or expressed confirmation that Internet services will be available through Fibre or any other means.
    4. Customers will be notified after LOS/Feasibility check has been conducted if service is possible.
  8. Payment Terms
    1. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, billing for the Service, and where applicable the Installation and Equipment, will commence on the Installation Date.
    2. Our billing cycle runs from the first day of the month until the last day of the month regardless of the time of signup and debit order date.
    3. C-WAY COMPUTERS accepts payment via Debit Order for month-to-month services and also through the C-Way Mobile App and Customer Portal. Cash payment options is only available where C-Way Computers has branch offices. We do not have EFT as a payment method available. Customer need to use our Mobile App or Customer Portal to make payment through our Payment Gateway and then using a Credit Card. We will only accept alternative payment to be done under specific circumstances and only by prior arrangement at C-WAY COMPUTERS' discretion.
    4. The Subscriber understands that the prices advertised in brochures and on the Company Website or electronic media, is therefor subject to Debit Order signup only. Any other method of payment attracts different prices as stipulated on the Application form and at the time of this agreement is R50/month more than the Debit order prices on all the advertised products. This includes payments done through our Mobile App/Customer Portal or by Cash at one of our Branch offices.
    5. The Subscriber agrees to pay timeously all amounts due in terms of the Agreement. Payments are Agreement based and not Usage based. That means, if your account falls in arrears due to non-payment, the agreement continues regardless if your internet account has been suspended or not, until you cancel this agreement as per 9.2. C-Way purchase your service from Upstream providers and therefor billing continues as per agreement and not as per usage.
    6. All internet services are pre-paid and not post-paid regardless of usage. By not using the internet (for what-ever-reason, including account suspension due to non-payment), will by no means stop monthly payment obligations as set out in this agreement. This is a "promise to pay" agreement and not a "pay as you go" agreement
    7. For C-Way Mobile App/Customer Portal or Cash paying customers, all subsequent Internet Bandwidth and access to Internet charges will be paid on or before the "Invoice Due date" of each subsequent month following the Connection date and in advance without interruption what so-ever (C-WAY COMPUTERS has committed to pay its bandwidth fees in advance and therefor requires all Internet Services to be paid in advance by all Subscribers). For special arranged EFT customers, it will be the responsibility of the subscriber to send the proof of payment to accounts@c-way.co.za , before the due date to avoid automatic blocking of internet services. Only the customer's Account Number will be accepted as payment reference.
    8. Please be advised that any discrepancies in payments, including but not limited to unpaid debit orders or overdue invoices, may result in the immediate suspension of services. This suspension may extend beyond the specific service in question. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to suspend any and all services due to non-payment and will only reinstate such services once all outstanding dues are fully settled across all products and services. A "Debit Order Return Fee" of R150 will be applicable for any unpaid debit orders, regardless of the reason. If the customer stops or returns the debit order as "No Authority," a R200 administrative fee will be applicable. Subsequently, a new bank mandate with updated bank details will need to be completed, in accordance with bank regulations. If the debit order is returned unpaid by the banks and the account remains unpaid past the invoice payment due date, both the Debit Order Return Fee and the Late Payment/Admin Fees will be applicable.
    9. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves its rights to change its prices at any time on reasonable notice to the customer.
    10. C-WAY COMPUTERS may charge a Late payment/Admin Fee for unpaid, failed or returned payments, regardless of method of payment or the reason for non-payment if the invoice is past due date. Such Late payment/Admin Fees are payable immediately and in conjunction with the outstanding fees which resulted in non-payment e.g. "Debit Order Return fees". Late payment/Admin Fees will be calculated on a sliding scale based on the number of incidents of non-payment on the Customer's payment record. Non-payment of Late payment/Admin Fees will be considered non-payment and will be subject to the same terms. Once levied, Late payment/Admin Fees are not recoverable or reversible, regardless of whether payments are made within the prescribed period. Late payment/Admin fees will be applicable to all invoices not paid by the Due date indicated on the Invoice and at the sole discretion of C-Way Computers’ account department.
    11. If the Customer’s Services are suspended, blocked or terminated for any reason, including non- payment, C-WAY COMPUTERS will charge a Reconnection Fee for subsequent reactivation of services. Reconnection Fees are payable in full before any services can be reactivated, once suspended. C-WAY COMPUTERS may charge multiple reconnections Fees where multiple products are affected and may charge "escalating" penalties for repeated non-payment offences. Any prior leniency shown in this regard will not prejudice C-WAY COMPUTERS' right to enforce such penalties in full at any time (within C-WAY COMPUTERS’ discretion).
    12. In cases of suspension of Services due to non-payment, C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to levy both a Reconnection Fees as well as an Admin Fee if invoice is past due payment date. Any and all penalty fees must be settled in full, prior to reconnection of affected services.
    13. In the case of billing disputes, the onus is upon the Customer to raise such disputes in good time to prevent interruption of services while the billing is in dispute. Reparations will be made to Customers with successful disputes by means of an account credit or refund, at C-WAY COMPUTERS’ discretion.
    14. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to terminate services where a customer has shown a repeated disregard for payment terms and consistently fails to make regular scheduled payments on time and using approved payment methods. The conditions of termination will be based on guidelines determined at C-WAY COMPUTERS’ discretion and may vary. The means and terms of termination will be determined at C-WAY COMPUTERS’ discretion. Notice of termination will be provided to the best of C-WAY COMPUTERS’ ability, but C-WAY COMPUTERS will not be held liable for claims or requests for further provision of services once a Customer’s services have been terminated due to non-payment.
    15. The Client shall not be entitled to withhold any payment for any reason whatsoever and neither shall the Client be entitled to claim a remission of subscriber fees.
    16. To the fullest extent permitted by law, all amounts due and payable, in terms of the Agreement, shall be paid free of exchange, and without deduction or set-off, and shall be paid by way of a direct debit order in favour of C-WAY COMPUTERS (drawn against an existing banking account nominated by the Subscriber), or in such other manner as C-WAY COMPUTERS may from time to time determine. Should a debit order returned multiple times unpaid (determined by the Bank), the existing Bank Mandate will be rendered invalid. In this case the customer will have to complete a new bank mandate and supply new banking details to continue using Debit Order as a payment method.
    17. The Subscriber agrees that C-WAY COMPUTERS will be entitled and authorised to draw all amounts payable in terms of the Agreement from the account specified by the Subscriber (or any other bank or branch to which it may be transferred).
    18. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the debit order authorisation will commence on the Date indicated on the Bank Mandate completed by the customer at the time of sign-up and will continue, and not be revoked, until termination of the Agreement or until such time as all amounts due and owing to C-WAY COMPUTERS have been fully and finally discharged. Furthermore, the debit order authorisation will be collected at the agreed date every month as selected by the Subscriber on the Application form and Bank Mandate. This will continue each subsequent month, to collect any amounts due. The payment method may not be changed unless C-Way has been notified with a one calendar month notice. Please note that any other method of payment done by the customer will by no means automatically stop the debit order and will still continue to be loaded as per the Bank Mandate agreement. This is because debit order batches are loaded two weeks in advance before the debit order date. The customer will still be responsible for any debit order return fees if proper notification of payment method was not requested to us by the subscriber.
    19. The interest will be calculated from the due date of payment to the date of actual payment, both days inclusive, and will be compounded monthly in arrears. The Customer agrees and undertakes to pay the interest.
    20. The Subscriber agrees to sign all such forms and to do all such things as may be necessary to give effect to the debit order as contemplated in clause 8.18 above or otherwise. Should the Subscriber fail to pay any amount on the due date stipulated for payment then C-WAY COMPUTERS may, without prejudice to any of its other rights and remedies:

      1. Take all such further steps as may be necessary to recover the outstanding amount from the Subscriber, including without limitation the use of debt collection mechanisms, and/or Subject to clause 8.18, terminate this Agreement with immediate effect
  9. Termination of Service Agreement
    1. General:
      1. The Subscriber may cancel the Agreement with a one calendar month notification (also called one clean month), subject to clause 5.2 hereof. For example: If a subscriber cancels on 1 October, the service will terminate on 30 November (November being the clean month). The Subscriber will remain liable for all outstanding amounts due and owing up to the end of the cancellation notification period of cancellation. No cancellation will be processed where the cancellation notification and end of service date fall in the same month.
      2. C-WAY COMPUTERS may cancel the Agreement – Where the Subscriber is a natural person – with a one calendar month written notice.
      3. In the event of termination, the Subscriber shall remain liable for the outstanding fees regardless of usage. Customers are invoiced on pre-paid basis and outstanding fees are payable regardless of subsequent termination of services.
      4. Moving or relocating from the original address as per this agreement of the subscriber to a new address, requires a full calendar month notice. Moving or relocating from the original address as per this agreement of the subscriber to a new address, does not affect the validity of this agreement and 9.2.a will still be binding. A normal cancellation procedure will still have to be followed. Regardless the reason for the subscriber to move or to relocate. The reason for moving or relocation has no bearing on the current agreement with C-Way Computers.
      5. When a customer moved or plan to move to a new premises, and there is no line of sight or service rendering is not feasible or possible for what-so-ever reason, this will in no way be a reason to terminate this agreement prematurely outside of the one calendar month notification period (or clean month) as set out in the agreement under 9.1.a
      6. It remains the responsibility of the subscriber to notify C-Way when they plan to move ahead of time early enough in order of a LOS or a feasibility test of service can be performed ahead of time. The customer then will have enough time to initiate the cancellation should C-Way Computers not be able to render service for what so ever reason at the new premises.
      7. The return of C-Way Supplied rental or free to use equipment for Fibre Internet services e.g., routers, will be for the subscribers account and need to be returned by the customer's courier service within 15 days of termination of the service. The router should be returned in the same condition and in the original packaging as the customer received it at service activation. If the router has not been returned to C-Way within 15 days after the cancellation, the customer will be invoiced at the current retail price and the router will become the customer’s property. Fibre lines will only be released when the router has been received in good condition and all outstanding fees has been settled on the account. All hardware needs to be returned to:
        22a Prinses Street
    2. Method of Cancellation
      1. Kindly note, it is not possible to cancel a service by email, ticket, or by phoning our offices, or notifying our staff. Any notice to C-WAY COMPUTERS by the Subscriber for cancellation in terms of the Agreement shall ONLY be made and accepted by completing the online cancellation form at https://www.c-way.co.za/cancel. C-WAY COMPUTERS will confirm receive of cancellation. If confirmation of receiving of cancellation has not been received by the customer, the customer must confirm with our office if cancellation was received. Unless confirmed by us, cancellation is presumed not be initiated by the customer and service billing will continue as normal. Any outstanding fees will be communicated to the customer by C-Way Computers. Unless all outstanding fees are settled, the cancellation process will not be processed and in the case of fibre lines, will not be released.
      2. In the case of Wireless Internet Services (Not Fibre internet services) C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to remove the CPE when the contract is ended or suspended. The Subscriber agrees to give access to such equipment belonging to C-WAY COMPUTERS at any time and by no means may refuse the removal of such or keep the equipment as collateral. Should the equipment belonging to C-Way Computers not been retrieved as per this agreement, the customer will be invoiced and thereafter will be liable for the retail value of the equipment. Should the invoice not been paid, normal legal procedures will be followed for the collection of the monies outstanding.
      3. C-WAY COMPUTERS may, subject to this Agreement or the acceptable use and fair usage policy, suspend or terminate services of a customer in its absolute discretion by providing email notice if:
        1. the Customer commits a serious or repeated breach of the Agreement or the Customer engages in any conduct which in C-WAY COMPUTERS’ opinion would have a negative impact on C-WAY COMPUTERS, other Customers or C-WAY COMPUTERS’ staff or is detrimental to the welfare, good order or character of C-WAY COMPUTERS; or
        2. Any part of the Customer’s Fees is not paid in full when due; or
        3. The information the Customer supplied to C-WAY COMPUTERS is found to be incorrect or false;
        4. C-WAY COMPUTERS reasonably thinks that the Customer’s use of the Services may result in the commission of a crime or is otherwise unlawful.
        5. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to affect such suspension or termination without notice, depending on the severity of the breach, but will undertake to inform Customers where possible. Upon such suspension or termination, such Customers:
          1. Will not be eligible for reimbursement / compensation, unless at C-WAY COMPUTERS’ discretion;
          2. May be further barred from signing up for any services with C-WAY COMPUTERS in the future;
          3. May be reported to governing bodies, such as ISPA, for listing purposes;
          4. May be listed with applicable authorities and credit bureau.
        6. The period of suspension will be that which is reasonable under the particular circumstances that gave rise to the suspension.
    3. Failure to submit a cancellation (AWOL)
    4. In the event that the subscriber fails to submit a cancellation in accordance with clause 9.1.a, the subscriber will be in breach of contract, and the following conditions will apply:
      1. Continued Billing: Normal billing will continue for a period of three months due to the lack of a proper cancellation as stipulated in clause 9.2.1.
      2. Wireless Internet Equipment:It is the responsibility of the subscriber to contact the Regional C-Way office to arrange for the removal of the equipment. If the subscriber fails to contact C-Way Computers for the removal of such equipment, the subscriber will be invoiced for the retail value of the equipment. The subscriber is prohibited from removing the rental equipment.
      3. Wireless Internet Equipment Credit: If the equipment is successfully retrieved by C-Way Computers and is in good working order, the equipment portion of the invoice will be credited. Nonetheless, the unpaid three-month subscription fee will remain outstanding.
      4. Fibre Internet Equipment: It is the responsibility of the subscriber to return the "free to use" router as specified in clause 9.1.g.
      5. Fibre Internet Equipment Credit: If the "free to use" equipment is successfully returned and is in proper working order, the equipment portion of the invoice will be credited. Nonetheless, the unpaid three-month subscription fee will remain outstanding.
      6. Letter of Demand: The subscriber will receive numerous payment reminders and credit warning. A letter of demand will be issued in accordance with the National Credit Act 34 of 2005, for all outstanding fees. This will include three months' subscription fees, the value of the rental equipment plus interest. If the customer fails to regtify the account accordingly, default listing will follow with the South Africa Credit Bureau (Black listed) and the account will be handed over to our legal debt collectors.
  10. FTTH and FTTB Clawback/Cancellation fees
    1. In addition to 9. above the following also apply in terms of FTTH and FTTB.
    2. C-Way will carry the cost of installation of the Fibre services where the FTTH services where advertised as “Free Installation”. C-Way will however recover this cost from the subscriber should the subscriber:
      1. Unless the product is FNO specific with different conditions pertaining to a specific promotion, cancel the internet services with C-Way within 24 months from initial service activation. (See table below)
      2. The subscriber’s account falls into arrears due to non-payment
      3. The account was suspended or terminated due to breaking of this Terms and Conditions of Service or our AUP.
      4. The customer relocates or submit a relocate request and service are not possible for what-so-ever reason. This will constitute and be considered as a normal cancellation by the customer and normal clawback/cancellation fees will apply.
      5. The customer relocates or submit a relocate request at any time that falls within the "Required Subscription Period" according to the table below.
      This is regardless of which Fibre Network Operator was used. Fibre operators charge C-Way the Installation, Activation and Cancellation fee. To recuperate the costs associated with installation and/or activation, these fees are the responsibility of the subscriber. Upon submission of a cancellation request or a relocate request, the account undergoes a review process. If the fibre cancellation/clawback fee is deemed applicable per the agreement, an invoice will be issued for the clawback/cancellation fee, and payment is due within seven days from the invoice date. All outstanding balances must be settled to ensure uninterrupted service provision. The current installation, activation and cancellation fees are FNO (Fibre Network Operator) specific. Please enquire with our offices for more details. The current clawback fees and conditions of cancellation is as follows per FNO:
      Fibre Network OperatorRequired Subscription PeriodClawback/Cancellation FeeRelocate and Re-Activation Fee
      (Only if a existing install is present at new address)
      Vumatel Fibre24 MonthsR2500R600
      Frogfoot FibreAny time cancellationR1800R1800
      Openserve Fibre24 MonthsR2500R600
      Zoom Fibre24 MonthsR2500R600
      Evotel Fibre24 MonthsR2500R810
      Metro Fibre24 MonthsR2500R800
      Vodacom Fibre24 MonthsR2500R800
  11. Indemnity
    1. The Subscriber hereby unconditionally and irrevocably indemnifies C-WAY COMPUTERS and agrees to hold C-WAY COMPUTERS harmless against all loss, damages, claims, liability and/or costs, of whatsoever nature, howsoever and whensoever arising, suffered or incurred by C-WAY COMPUTERS as a result of any claim instituted against C-WAY COMPUTERS by a third party or the Subscriber, as a result of (without limitation):
      1. The Subscriber’s use of the Equipment for a purpose other than that permitted and/or prescribed in terms of the Agreement;
      2. Any other cause, whatsoever, relating to the Agreement where the Subscriber has acted wrongfully, negligently or failed to act when he/she/it had a legal duty to do so.
  12. Limitation of liability
    1. Save to the extent otherwise provided for in the Agreement or where the Subscriber is entitled to rely on or receive, by operation of law, any representations, warranties or guarantees, C-WAY COMPUTERS does not make or provide any express or implied representations, warranties or guarantees regarding the availability, accuracy, reliability, timeliness, quality or security of any product or service.
    2. In addition to, and without prejudice to any other limitations of liability provided for in the Agreement and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, C-WAY COMPUTERS shall not be liable to the Subscriber for any direct damages howsoever arising and neither party shall be liable to the other for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of or relating to the Agreement, whether resulting from negligence, breach or any other cause. To the extent that a competent court or tribunal or other competent dispute resolution body or authority finally determines, notwithstanding the exclusion contained in this clause, that C-WAY COMPUTERS is liable to the Subscriber for any damages, C-WAY COMPUTERS’ liability to the Subscriber for such damage, howsoever arising, shall be limited to the amounts paid by the Subscriber under the Agreement in consideration for a service or product during the duration of this agreement in respect of the service or product which gave rise to the liability in question.
    3. C-WAY COMPUTERS shall not be liable to the Client for any costs, damages or losses incurred or sustained by the client and arising from any defect in the operation of the Network, or the suspension of operation of the system. In no event will C-WAY COMPUTERS be liable for any incidental or consequential loss or damages resulting from any failure or suspension of operation of the Network, or interference with the service.
  13. Notices
  14. All requests by the Customer for the provisioning, and modification of Services, and for modification of contact and other personal information must be made via accounts@c-way.co.za and C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to ignore any such request made in any other manner. The Parties choose their addresses where they will accept service of any notices/documents for all purposes arising from this Agreement (domicilium citandi et executandi):
    In the case of C-WAY COMPUTERS:

    22A Prinses St,

    And in the case of the Customer, the addresses set out in the most recent Application Form agreed to between the Parties. Either Party may vary its domicilium address or other contact details by notifying the other Party in writing. Any notice given in terms of this Agreement must be in writing and any notice given by any Party to another ("the addressee") which: is delivered by hand will be deemed to have been received by the addressee on the date of delivery; or is transmitted by email will be deemed to have been received upon confirmation of receipt (not automated receipt) thereof by the addressee; any notice that C-WAY COMPUTERS sends by email to an email account hosted on the C-WAY COMPUTERS’ System by the Customer will be deemed to have been received by the Customer on the date of transmission; and if a written notice or communication is actually received by one of the Parties from the other, this will be adequate written notice or communication to that Party.

  15. Interest
  16. If any amount due to C-WAY COMPUTERS is not paid by the fifth of every month in terms of this contract, irrespective of the cause thereof, C-WAY COMPUTERS shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other rights that it may have to charge interest on any other arrears or unpaid amount at the rate of 26% P.A. (Twenty Six percent) and shall be calculated on the amount unpaid from the date it became overdue until the date of actual payment thereof and shall be calculated and capitalized monthly in advance.

  17. Costs
  18. The Client shall on demand pay all expenses actually incurred by C-WAY COMPUTERS either on behalf of the client or as a result of the client’s non-compliance with any provisions of this contract, including tracing costs, all legal costs calculated on the scale as between attorney and its own client on the wider basis.
  19. Suspension/Disconnection/Re-Connection
    1. Reconnection of Services may be subject to a waiting period of up to 48 hours, at C-WAY COMPUTERS’ discretion, regardless of when payment is received or cleared. Reconnection is subject to a reasonable connection fee.
    2. C-Way Computes may without notice suspend the service and/or disconnect the subscriber from the network during the period of a technical failure or modification of the network; or if the client commits a breach of any terms of this Agreement, including but not limited to the monthly prepaid obligation, or if the client does or omits to do anything which in the reasonable opinion of C-WAY COMPUTERS, jeopardises or impairs the quality of the network. If such is occasioned by an act of omission of the Client or related Subscribers, the Network Operator shall have the right to levy a reconnection charge. This charge at time of this agreement is R150 per reconnection. Reconnection fee applies to all Customers.
  20. Connection Faults, connection quality and repairs
    C-WAY COMPUTERS will be entitled to assume that the wireless link or fibre link of a Customer is in good working order until such time as the Customer advises C-WAY COMPUTERS’ support or office of any problems, service breaks, or poor quality of the service. Any faults or service interruption or lack in service quality, should be reported via one of the channels available on C-WAY COMPUTERS website, the mobile App or by contacting support during limited support hours services. We do not offer 24/7 support. During office hours the branch office of C-WAY COMPUTERS should be contacted directly to report any faults. The provider will attend to faults reported by the Customer during office hours and the relevant party will apply its reasonable endeavours to have the service restored in the shortest possible time after hours. The rendering of Internet services will always be on a “best effort” basis and many factors may contribute to sporadic degrade in the quality of internet services that are not necessarily under our control. If the Provider determines that the reported fault was caused by the Customer, the Customer shall be liable for payment of the relevant call-out charge as stipulated by the Provider from time to time. The absolute preferred method to get support is through the C-Way Support Ticket system which the details are contained on our website, https://www.c-way.co.za/support.

    C-Way operates and maintain the C-Way Network infrastructure. We want to advise Customers that due to the nature of the Telecommunication industry, the Internet that the end user receives depends on many third-party providers who provide services separate but interrelated to one another and to C-Way. The cooperation and services of all these providers as a whole, makes the internet possible. Customers accept and acknowledge this fact. C-Way will always use its best endeavours to ensure services are operational at all times but cannot warrant a 24-hour, 7-day a week service without interruption. Fibre faults, fibre move request or any other fibre related service, is not the responsibility of C-Way. The last mile Fibre suppliers (FNO) are responsible for their own infrastructure maintenance, repairs and any other fibre related service request. For this reason, C-Way will not be liable, nor will we reimburse the Customer for any Fees paid or costs incurred by the Customer for Services which has been interrupted, or was non-operational for any period of time. Kindly note, the "I pay you, so you should fix it" will unfortunately not be a realistic expression of facts and will also not be possible. C-Way will however always where at all possible, notify customers in advance or as soon as we became aware of a fault or interruption in the service we provide. Because of the many third parties involved, the supply of internet services will always be on a "best effort" basis.
  21. Upgrades, Downgrades
    1. Because C-WAY COMPUTERS render a pre-paid service, and such buy pre-paid services from upstream providers, downgrade of Line Speeds must be accompanied by a full calendar month notification.
    2. Upgrades are immediately available and pro-rata for the rest of the month will be calculated.
    3. All Upgrades and Downgrade requests need to be sent to sales@c-way.co.za.
  22. Cession and Delegation
  23. The Subscriber may not sell, cede, assign, delegate or in any other way alienate or dispose of any or all of their rights and obligations, under and in terms, of the Agreement without the prior written approval of C-WAY COMPUTERS. C-WAY COMPUTERS shall be entitled to sell, cede, assign, delegate, alienate, dispose of or transfer any or all of its rights and obligations, under and in terms, of the Agreement to any of its Affiliates or to any third party without the Subscriber’s consent and without notice to the Subscriber. “Affiliates” for this purpose includes C-WAY COMPUTERS’ holding company, the holding company(ies) of C-WAY COMPUTERS’ holding company (collectively “its holding companies”), its subsidiaries, subsidiaries of its holding companies and any other companies which are directly or indirectly controlled by C-WAY COMPUTERS or are under common control with C-WAY COMPUTERS.
  24. Jurisdiction
  25. The parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court in the Republic of South Africa in respect of any proceedings that may arise out of the Agreement, provided that C-WAY COMPUTERS shall be entitled, in its reasonable discretion, to institute such proceedings in the High Court of South Africa and, in such event, the Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of such court. The jurisdiction of the Small Claims Court is specifically excluded.

  26. Amendment of the Agreement
  27. C-WAY COMPUTERS reserves the right to amend the Agreement, including its charges, from time to time on written notice to the Subscriber, which notice may be sent by email to the Subscriber and/or which notice may be effected by publishing any new version of the Agreement on our C-WAY COMPUTERS’ website together with the date on which it will become effective, which will (save as otherwise provided for herein) if reasonably possible, at least be 30 days after the date on which it is first published.
  28. Terms Subject to Change
    1. C-WAY COMPUTERS may amend the General Terms and Service Terms at any time. The amended versions will be posted on the C-WAY COMPUTERS’ Website. It is the responsibility of the Customer to keep itself informed of the latest version of the general terms and conditions by accessing the C-WAY COMPUTERS’ Website on a regular basis.
    2. C-WAY COMPUTERS will give reasonable notice for the amendments or a fee change, which will become effective the first of the month thereafter.

  29. General & Interpretation
    1. Subject to C-WAY COMPUTERS’ right to amend the Agreement described elsewhere in this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that the Agreement constitutes the whole of the agreement between them and that no other agreements, guarantees, undertakings or representations, either verbal or in writing, relating to the subject matter of the Agreement not incorporated in the Agreement shall be binding on the parties. Unless otherwise provided herein, no changes or cancellation of the Agreement by the Subscriber will be binding on any of the parties unless recorded in writing and signed by both parties.
    2. The Subscriber agrees that any notices C-WAY COMPUTERS sends to the Subscriber in terms of any agreement concluded between the parties may be sent via email unless otherwise prescribed by law.
    3. No indulgence, leniency or extension of time which C-WAY COMPUTERS may grant or show to the Subscriber shall in any way prejudice C-WAY COMPUTERS or preclude C-WAY COMPUTERS from exercising any of its rights in the future.
    4. The Subscriber warrants that as at the date of signature of the Subscriber Agreement, all the details furnished by the Subscriber and C-WAY COMPUTERS are true and correct and that the Subscriber will notify C-WAY COMPUTERS in the event of any change to such details.
    5. In the event that any part of this Agreement is found to be partially or fully unenforceable because it does not comply with any law, or for any other reason, this will not affect the application or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement.
    6. The signatories acting in representative capacities warrant that they are authorised to act in such capacities and accept personal liability under this Agreement should they prove not to be so authorised.
    7. Customers signing up for services as a Primary Contact are considered as “the Customer” and no other parties will be permitted access or authority to the Customer Account, even if they are a 3rd party recipient or affiliate of the “Customer”.
    8. If a provision of this Agreement is reasonably capable of an interpretation which would make that provision valid and enforceable and an alternative interpretation that would make it void, illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, then that provision shall be interpreted, so far as is possible, to be limited and read down to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable.
    9. The laws of the Republic of South Africa will apply to this Agreement, its interpretation and any matter or litigation relating to or arising from it, and the parties’ consent to the jurisdiction of the courts of Republic of South Africa in this regard.
    10. It is not intended that any provision of this Service Contract contravenes any provision of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (“CPA”) as amended or the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”) as amended. Therefore, all provisions of this Service Contract must be treated as being qualified, to the extent necessary, to ensure compliance with the provisions of the CPA and POPIA, if the CPA and/or POPIA are applicable.
    11. Unless otherwise agreed:
      1. Billing will commence on the date that Service provision commences. Partial months will be charged pro rata. Excluding Promotions
      2. Services are billed in advance and all invoices must be paid by the Customer in advance.
      3. Any Services invoiced in arrears are payable on presentation of invoice.
      4. All Fees and other amounts payable as per the invoice include VAT.
    12. Interest will be charged on any amount that remains unpaid by the Customer beyond the due date of payment:
    13. The interest rate will be 2% (two percent) above the prime overdraft rate.
    14. The prime overdraft rate will be as charged by C-WAY COMPUTERS’ bankers at the time, which will be evidenced by a certificate issued by any manager of that bank, whose authority it shall not be necessary to prove.
    Customer Information and Privacy
    1. C-Way observes all privacy of information in accordance with the applicable laws of South Africa, including the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) of 2013 and related amendments.
    2. The Customer consents to C-Way processing Personal Information transmitted to and through the C-Way System in a way which is consistent with the Service being provided. Where the Customer's use of a Service leads to the transmission of Personal Information to or from the Republic of South Africa, the Customer acknowledges that it has a duty to comply with any relevant statutory provisions dealing with data privacy either in the Republic of South Africa or in any foreign country to which the Personal Information is transmitted. The Customer warrants that it has obtained the consent of any third party for the use of that party’s Personal Information in this way, or otherwise that such processing is lawful, and indemnifies C-Way from any claim brought by such third party as a result of its failure to do so.
    3. The Customer understands that the Customer’s personal information given to C-Way is to be used for the purposes of assessing affordability and/or credit worthiness and in order to perform in terms of this Service Contract and the Customer consents thereto. The Customer confirms that the Customer’s personal information given to C-Way is accurate and complete. The Customer further agrees to update the information supplied as and when necessary in order to ensure the accuracy of the above information failing which C-Way will not be liable for inaccuracies.
  30. Current Promotion Terms and Conditions
    1. Openserve Fibre
      Get 50% discount for the first two months on your monthly subscription.
      Your subscription has to be active for 12 Month for promotion to be applicable. If you cancel before this time, the full normal monthly fee (without the promotional price) will be applicable and you will be invoiced the full amount without the promotional price. This promotion excludes FNO price increases during the promotion period.
    2. Frogfoot Fibre Promo
    3. New subscriptions only. Get the lowest prices.
      If cancel at any time, you will be invoiced the Clawback/Cancellation fees of R1800.

    Kindly note important summary of our Terms and Conditions above:
    1. One full calendar month notification period starting from the next 1st of the month is required on cancellation of hosting, wireless and fibre services. This counts as 1 full month (not 30 days) See 9 for details
    2. Unpaid Debit orders and deliberate Stop of Debit Order, will be subject to a R150 and R200 admin fee respectively.See 8.8 for details.
    3. All equipment remains the property of C-Way Computers when rental or free to use option is selected. Failure to retrieve such, for what so ever reason, the customer will be invoiced for the equipment at the current retail price and will be for the customer account. See 5 for details
    4. At no time will cursing or threatening behaviour or language be allowed when communicating with C-Way or its staff, or through social media, thereby tarnishing the image or public perception of C-Way. See 6 for details
    5. FTTH Free Installation Option will be forfeited if the Internet service is cancelled within first 24 months, if accounts fall in arrears, or if account is suspended or terminated because of the violation of our Ts&Cs. Fees will be for customer’s account See 10 for details
    6. It is not possible for C-Way to warrant 24/7 internet without interruptions. All internet services are depending on many third-party providers that interconnect and will always be a “best effort service”. See 17 for details